Navigating Prescription Assistance Programs: Extra Help, NJ PAAD, and Senior Gold Compared

For many seniors and individuals with disabilities, managing the costs of prescription medications is a significant concern. Thankfully, programs like Extra Help, New Jersey's Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (NJ PAAD), and the Senior Gold Prescription Discount Program exist to alleviate some of these financial burdens. Understanding the differences, eligibility requirements, and benefits of each program can help you or your loved ones make informed decisions about which program best meets your needs.

Extra Help

Extra Help is a federal program designed to help low-income individuals or couples afford Medicare Part D (the Medicare prescription drug program) premiums, deductibles, and co-payments.

Key Features of Extra Help:

  • Eligibility: Based on income and resources. In 2024 to be eligible for Extra Help, an individual’s annual income must be limited to $22,590 and resources less than $17,220. Couples must have an income below $30,660 and resources less than $34,360.

  • Benefits: Can lower the cost of Medicare Part D premiums, annual deductibles, and co-payments. Many beneficiaries pay no premiums, no deductibles, and very low co-payments for prescriptions.


The New Jersey Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled program provides state-funded prescription drug assistance to New Jersey residents who are 65 years or older, as well as individuals 18 and over who are deemed disabled according to Social Security standards.

Key Features of NJ PAAD:

  • Eligibility: Applicants must be NJ residents, aged 65 or older, or receiving Social Security Title II Disability benefits, with an annual income of less than $52,142 if single or less than $59,209 if married.

  • Benefits: Covers most prescriptions with a very low co-payment. Also provides assistance with Medicare Part D costs for those who are eligible.

Senior Gold

Senior Gold is a secondary prescription discount program for New Jersey residents who do not qualify for PAAD due to slightly higher income levels.

Key Features of Senior Gold:

  • Eligibility: For those with incomes slightly higher than PAAD eligibility; specifically, single residents with annual incomes between $52,142 and $62,142, and married couples with incomes between $59,209 and $69,209.

  • Benefits: Beneficiaries pay a $15 copayment plus half the remaining cost of the prescription after the copayment. The program also provides assistance with Medicare Part D costs.

Comparing the Programs

While all three programs aim to provide prescription cost relief, they cater to different income levels and offer varying benefits:

  • Extra Help is most beneficial for those with the lowest income and resource levels, offering the most comprehensive assistance with Medicare Part D costs.

  • NJ PAAD serves as a robust state-level program offering extensive coverage with minimal co-payments, designed for those who meet its specific age, disability, and income criteria.

  • Senior Gold acts as a bridge for those slightly above the PAAD income threshold, offering discounted prescription costs, albeit with beneficiaries bearing a greater share of the costs than in PAAD.

Choosing the right prescription assistance program depends on a variety of factors, including income, age, disability status, and residency. By carefully comparing Extra Help, NJ PAAD, and Senior Gold, New Jersey residents can find the program that best suits their financial situation and healthcare needs. If you're unsure which program you qualify for or need assistance applying, consider speaking with a health insurance broker who can provide personalized guidance based on your circumstances.

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